Japanese Society of Nephrology



JSN News 2007

#125 Obituary (Updated Dec 17,2007)
#124 The 38th JSN Eastern Regional Scientific Meeting (Updated Dec 10,2007)
#123 Autumn JSN Executive Board Meeting 2007 (Updated Dec 3,2007)
#122 The 38th JSN Western Regional Scientific Meeting (Updated Nov 26,2007)
#121 The 51st JSN General Scientific Meeting (Updated Nov 19,2007)
#120 Pregnancy in CKD patients: Practice guide (Updated Nov 12,2007)
#119 Public Relations Committee (Updated Nov 5,2007)
#118 Japanese version of GFR estimation (Updated Oct 29,2007)
#117 Ten Insights about the Treatment of Hypertension (Updated Oct 22,2007)
#116 Call of IgAN cases for RCT:
Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy for IgA Nephropathy
(Updated Oct 8&15,2007)
#115 The 50th JSN Anniversary Ceremony (Updated Oct 1,2007)
#114 Nomogram of GFR estimation (Updated Sep 10,2007)
#113 Seminar for Student and Trainee
at 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
(Updated Sep 3,2007)
#112 Fifth Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees (Updated Aug 27,2007)
#111 JSN Statement on Marginal Kidney Donation (Updated Aug 20,2007)
#110 JSN Subcommittee for International Relationship (Updated Aug 13,2007)
#109 The 37th JSN Western Regional Meeting (Updated Aug 6,2007)
#108 The 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting (Updated July 30,2007)
#107 New JSN Committee for Gender Equality in Nephrology (Updated July 23,2007)
#106 ISN' Nexus Symposium on Hypertension and the Kidney (Updated July 9,2007)
#105 Fifth Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees (Updated July 2,2007)
#104 CKD News No.2 (Updated Jun 25,2007)
#103 CKD Guideline Working Group (Updated Jun 18,2007)
#102 The JSN Spring Executive Board Meeting 2007 (Updated Jun 11,2007)
#101 New Treatment Strategy for IgA Nephropathy in Japan (Updated Jun 4,2007)
#100 Third Summer School for Renal Pathology (Updated May 21,2007)
#99 Letter from WKD Steering committee (Updated May 14,2007)
#98 Letter to Kidney International on World Kidney Day (Updated May 7,2007)
#97 ACM-ISPD2007 (Updated April 23,2007)
#96 CKD Practice Guide Booklet (Updated April 16,2007)
#95 The 50th JSN meeting (3rd circular) (Updated April 9,2007)
#94 The 37th JSN Western Regional Meeting (Updated April 2,2007)
#93 The 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting (Updated Mar 26,2007)
#92 Revision of the Terminology for Nephrology (Updated Mar 19,2007)
#91 JSN appeals was accepted:
Urine test is mandatory
(Updated Mar 12,2007)
#90 World Kidney Day Campaign (Updated Mar 5,2007)
#89 JSN Project for eGFR (Updated Feb 26,2007)
#88 The 5th International conference of Aquaporin (Updated Feb 19,2007)
#87 Asian Forum of CKD Initiative 2007 (Updated Feb 5,2007)
#86 The 5th Korea-Japan Nephrology Forum (Updated Jan 29,2007)
#85 Research Forum on Chronic Kidney Disease (Updated Jan 22,2007)
#84 JSN Campaign for CKD Prevention (Updated Jan 15,2007)


(Updated Dec 17, 2007)

We lost following honorable member this year.
Dr. H Wada who was a professor emeritus of the Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya died on August 2. He served as a president of the 21st annual Western JSN regional meeting at Kobe 1991.
He was active as researcher and educator, and raised many fellows in this field of medicine, pediatric nephrology. JSN express sincere thanks to him and acknowledge the contribution to the society.


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The 38th JSN Eastern Regional Scientific Meeting
(Updated Dec 10, 2007)

JSN Eastern Regional Scientific Meeting will be held on October 11 (Saturday) to 12 (Sunday) in Tokyo. The convention venue is the Roppongi-Academy Hills 40 (http://www.academyhills.com). Professor Y. Iino, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: CKD is common and treatable. Details of this meeting will soon be announced.
More information about this meeting is available at: tobujin38@convention.co.jp


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Autumn JSN Executive Board Meeting 2007
(Updated Dec 3, 2007)

Autumn JSN Executive Board Meeting, chaired by Prof A Hishida, was held on Nov 12, 2007, in Tokyo. Board members (N=20) and members of the executive committee attended and discussed every aspect of JSN activities. Before this meeting, seven chairmen of the committees of the JSN (publication, finance, promotion of the JSN, clinical nephrology board examination, planning and administration, public relations, and ethics) have presented their activities, concerns, and future plans. The committee secretaries (chief secretary; Prof T Moriyama, and 11 other members of the secretary) have prepared the Agenda for the Executive Board Meeting.
The main topics were the several future action-plan of JSN and concerned with the restructuring the JSN scientific meeting. The program of the 51st JSN meeting in 2008 and the activities of the task force for decreasing JCKDI were reported and confirmed with the board members. JSN is entering new era to cope with other organizations or societies. CKD campaign is great success this year and the CKD practice guide-booklet is already sold more than 100,000. The next step is to create JSN practice guideline. JSN will apply for the future WCN, possibly for 2011. The Spring Board Meeting will be scheduled on April 28, 2008 in Tokyo.


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The 38th JSN Western Regional Scientific Meeting
(Updated Nov 26, 2007)

JSN Western Regional Scientific Meeting will be held on September 26 (Friday) to 27 (Saturday) 2008 in Nagoya. The convention venue is the Will Aichi (http://www.will.pref.aichi.jp). Professor G. Kimura, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: New era toward complete remission of CKD. Invited speakers are: Dr deZeeuw D on "Target on the complete remission of chronic renal failure", Dr Silverberg D on "Cardio-Renal Anemia Syndrome ", and Mr. N Nishio on "Tokugawa Museum and Culture Road". The president lecture is titled "Concept of Renal Function Reserve" by G Kimura. Title of the symposium is "New markers of glomerular function", and three workshops are 1) treatable and non-treatable glomerulonephritis, 2) early prediction of renal prognosis, and 3) Japanese evidence for nephrology. Six educational lectures will be prepared concerning diabetic nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, hypertension, hypoxia as a common denominator of GFR decline, ischemic nephropathy, and Japanese policy on urine screening.
Excellent case reports are awarded and are encouraged to submit to "Clinical and Experimental Nephrology".
More information is available at: seibujin38@convention.co.jp


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The 51st JSN General Scientific Meeting
(Updated Nov 19, 2007)

The 51st JSN General Scientific Meeting will be held on May 30 (Friday) to June 1 (Sunday), 2008 in Fukuoka. The convention venue is the Fukuoka International Convention Center and Fukuoka Sun-Palace. Professor T. Saito, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: Kidney and Health. There are three special lectures by Drs A Hishida, H Saito, and T Fujita. T Saito will give a presidential lecture titled "Kidney and Health". Special invited lecture will be given by Drs Atkins RC, Benzing T, and Fogo AB."
There will be four special programs, five symposiums, and five workshops. Panel discussion on the treatment choice foe end-stage renal disease patients will also be held chaired by Drs Y Nishizawa and H Hirakata. Six educational lectures and three session on renal pathology are also scheduled.
The deadline for online registration for abstracts is December 19, 2007, visit jsn51@convention.co.jp. For more information: www.jsn.or.jp or www2.convention.co.jp/jsn51.


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Pregnancy in CKD patients: Practice guide
(Updated Nov 12, 2007)

JSN has published a booklet titled: Pregnancy in CKD patients - Practice guide. The subcommittee on "standard practice with pregnancy in CKD patients, led by Prof. T Mitarai, has been working extensively on this issue. Pregnancy could be a serious problem in women, but lack of evidences on treatment strategy. Moreover, precise evaluation of renal function is often difficult during pregnancy. Use of antibiotics, antihypertensives, and other medications are left for individual physician. In this booklet, members of the JSN subcommittee have read papers and discussed on this issue.
The booklet consists of 8 chapters: 1) strategy for CKD patient who wish to have baby, 2) physiology of pregnancy on kidney, 3) strategy for CKD patient who became pregnant, 4) complications during pregnancy, 5) evaluation of well-being of infant and prognosis of pre-term baby, 6) care of post-delivery period, 7) diet during pregnancy, and 8) drug use during pregnancy.
This booklet is a cornerstone for better linkage with gynecologists and family practice physician


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Japanese version of GFR estimation
(Updated Nov 5, 2007)

JSN Public Relations (PR) Committee meeting was held on Oct 12 at the JSN office, Tokyo. Given the increasing demands from the society, patients, and members, PR committee is working hard to meet them. The first priority is to re-new the JSN homepage. Current number of hits to the homepage is about 1000 per day which is far less than the expected number. Concerning key-word of "kidney disease", JSN homepage is ranked number 64 by Yahoo and number 18 by Google. The contents of the homepage are mostly for JSN members. They should be easier to read by patients, families, and general population.
Good news is that the CKD practice guide is already sold about 130,000. Yet the hits on CKD are only ranked number 15 by Yahoo and number 47 by Google.


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Japanese version of GFR estimation
(Updated Oct 29, 2007)

JSN epidemiology working-group finally approved the GFR estimation equation for Japanese, originally invented using the inulin-clearance. Upon official approval from the board members on November 12, the following equation will become the original Japanese GFR estimation equation. This equation is similar format to the MDRD Study equation, but not needed to adjust for ethnic factor. Serum creatinine (Cr) should be measured by enzyme method.
GFR=194 x Cr-1.094 x Age-0.287 x o.739 (if women 0.839)
The modified the abbreviated MDRD Study equation for Japanese is:
GFR=175 x Cr-1.154 x Age-0.203 x o.741 (if women 0.742)
Both equations are not so accurate at eGFR>60mL/min/1.73m2. For subjects with diabetes, obese, or emaciated renal function must be judged with other clinical parameters. The modified the abbreviated MDRD Study equation for Japanese is already printed in the "CKD practice guide".


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Ten Insights about the Treatment of Hypertension
(Updated Oct 22, 2007)

Above lecture will be held in Okinawa just after the Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH) in Okinawa on October 28, Sunday. It will start 11:00 am, at the Culture Resort, Festone. Address is 3-28-1, Mashiki, Urasoe City, Okinawa (Tel: 098-898-1212). Lecturer is Dr Ajay S, who is the Clinical Chief, Renal Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA.
This lecture is made possible with the support from Muribushi Project for Okinawa Residency Programs and is open for attendees of the JSH meeting. Dr Ajay is well known as the first author of CHOIR study and is also a world-known educator and clinical researcher in nephrology.
Coordinators of this lecture are Dr Shibagaki U (Tokyo Univ.), Shiohira Y (Tomishiro-Chuo Hospital), and Iseki K (Ryukyu Univ.).


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Call of IgAN cases for RCT:
  Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy for IgA Nephropathy

(Updated Oct 8&15, 2007)

Cases for the randomized control study on "Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy for IgA Nephropathy" are called from JSN Scientific Committee, Prof S Sasaki. IgA nephropathy is the common type of glomerulonephritis in Japan. It is still the second cause of ESRD. "Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy" is an original treatment strategy for IgA Nephropathy which is invented in Japan. It is well accepted in Japan. However, there is no prospective randomized study. Several foreign journals asked to provide scientific data to support the notion such as Kidney In 2006 (Dr Apple GB, et al) and Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007 (Dr Locatelli F et al).
Since April, 2005, a prospective study on "Tonsillectomy and Steroid Pulse Therapy for IgA Nephropathy" was organized to file up to the target cases of 80, 40 in each group. However, the total filed cases are only 22 by September, 2007. To prove the efficacy of the treatment strategy, JSN joined to call cases among the JSN members.
For more information;
kawatetu@coral.ocn.ne.jp (Dr T Kawamura, Jikei Medical School)
igahenteki@jikei.ac.jp (Secretary of the study project)


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The 50th JSN Anniversary Ceremony
(Updated Oct 1, 2007)

It was held on Sept 8, Saturday at the International Forum Tokyo. More than 300 colleagues and guests from affiliated scientific societies such as Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, Japanese Society of Hypertension, Japanese Society of Pediatric Nephrology, Japanese Circulation Society, Japanese Society for Transplantation, Japanese Urological Association, and Japan Diabetes Society. JSN president Dr A Hishida and Chairman of the event Dr T Fujita organized the ceremony. After the official greetings from the seven societies, Dr S Matsuo and Dr A Hishida presented the current JSN activities on CKD. Three prominent JSN colleagues such as Drs T Nagasawa, K Kurokawa, and M Imai gave lectures on past JSN activities, JSN perspectives, and history of JSN physiology research. Several commemorative books were published such as 50th anniversary JSN issue, CKD practice guidebook, and terminology for nephrology.
JSN is actively campaigning for CKD this year. Questionnaire on CKD perception was presented by Dr T Fujita. So-far, about three-fourth attendees satisfied and understood the importance of CKD diagnosis and treatment. For the CKD campaign, there will be more than 200 meetings on 2007 throughout Japan. Next step for JSN is to publish CKD treatment guideline.


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Nomogram of GFR estimation
(Updated Sep 10, 2007)

JSN has been working to create formula to estimate GFR for Japanese. MDRD Study formula is difficult to get the value without calculator. In the "CKD Practice Guide" which was published at the JSN 50th anniversary ceremony is easy to get the answer at bedside. It adopted the modified MDRD Study formula as: eGFR=0.741x175xAge-0.203xSCr-1.154 (if female x0.742). SCr should be measured by enzymatic method. The round off value of eGFR is also tabulated for both men and women. Subjects with stage 3 CKD are recommended to consult nephrologists, and stage 4 & 5 CKD need be treated with nephrologists. Subjects with abnormal SCr, 1.4 mg/dl for men and 1.1 mg/dl for women, are definitely at CKD stage 3; therefore need to be evaluated by nephrologists.
The "CKD Practice Guide" will be distributed throughout Japan. Numbers of nephrology consultation are expected to increase rapidly. There will be plenty of practical questions and comments to the "CKD Practice Guide". JSN is now working for the "guidelines for CKD treatment".


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Seminar for Student and Trainee at 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
(Updated Sep 3, 2007)

During the JSN 37th Eastern Regional Meeting, seminar for student and trainees will be held on 14:00-15:30, Oct 6, Saturday. The venue is Palace Hotel Omiya, www.palace-omiya.co.jp/access/index.html. Purpose of this seminar is to spread the idea of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Information on CKD is required for all clinicians. The preliminary program will be 1) water, electrolyte metabolism (Dr H Kumagai), 2) glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome (Dr Y Ueda), and 3) hemodialysis and CKD (Dr Y Yamaji). No admission fee is required, need identification or document to register. Attendees are invited also for the entire meeting.
More information about this seminar is available at: E-mail, kanozawa@saitama-med.ac.jp


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Fifth Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees
(Updated Aug 27, 2007)

It was held on August 18 to 19 at Kasumigaseki-Bldg 33F in Tokyo. This time, the seminar was organized by JSN and Kirin Brewery Company. More than 150 doctors registered and most of them actually attended (>130). Two special lectures featured the seminar: "Renal Anemia: Updates" by Dr. M Nangaku and "Mineral bone disease" by Dr. M Fukagawa. Moderators for case presentations and discussion were Drs. T Kato, M Endo, M Kohara, F Takemoto, M Miyazaki, T Hamano, and K Iseki, and mini-lectures and comments were done by Drs. H Sato, S Nishi, H Sudo, T Watanabe, T Yasuda, and K Yamagata. Debates were 1) "Is medical research necessary for clinician?" by Drs. E Imai (Pro.) and Y Koyama (Con.), and 2) "Should marginal kidneys banned for transplantation in Japan?" by Drs. T Moriyama (Pro.) and Y Shibagaki (Con.).
Members of the new JSN Committee for Gender Equality in Nephrology who joined as task force members supported the seminar with attending the group discussion. This seminar is really becoming the opportunity for both the staffs and the attendees as they learn more "the joy of Nephrology" and "share the tradition".
There will be 6th Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees in Osaka, Dr E Imai. Further information will be posted in the JSN home-page, www.jsn.or.jp


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JSN Statement on Marginal Kidney Donation
(Updated Aug 20, 2007)

JSN has issued the statement on marginal kidney donation on May 2, 2007. 1) JSN is fully agree with the statement on marginal kidney donation issued by Japan Society for Transplantation, Japan Urological Association, Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy, and Japanese Society for Clinical Renal Transplantation on March 31, 2007, 2) JSN has discussed about the recent issue of the donation from "nephrotic syndrome patients" in Uwajima Municipal Hospital. From a nephrologists society treating nephrotic syndrome, we consider that the nephrectomy from nephrotic syndrome patient has many medical problems and is anti-ethical. JSN do not accept the donation from patients with nephritic syndrome, and 3) JSN continue to promote cadaver donation and also will consider seriously the donation from non-related living donation and will discuss openly with other scientific associations, government, renal disease patients and families.
Brief information is available on the three cases with "refractory nephrotic syndrome" who donated six kidneys. They performed six un-related living kidney transplantation. Consequently, three donors became dependent on chronic dialysis. Histological diagnoses of the three cases were IgA nephropathy, FSGS, and lupus nephritis. Lupus nephritis was treated only steroid hormone. Refractory nephrotic syndrome should be diagnosed after several attempts with immuno-suppressants. Moreover, one recipient died three months after renal transplantation with severe pancreatitis and liver failure. Liver failure might be related with hepatitis-B which was infected from the donated kidney. Upon JSN evaluation, documents on medical treatment were lacking or not satisfactory.
Given the ever increasing number of ESRD patients, JSN should act to prevent the CKD incidence and progression and also for to promote cadaver donation.


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JSN Subcommittee for International Relationship
(Updated Aug 13, 2007)

JSN has been co-operated well with ISN: Current board members are Prof. T Miyata and Prof. I Ichikawa. Moreover, new JSN subcommittee was organized to facilitate the liaison between JSN and ISN. JSN is shifting the gear to communicate more with the International Nephrology Society and also with the Asian countries. Members are: Drs. T Miyata, M Fukagawa, M Nangaku, Y Isaka, M Yanagita K Yamagata, Y Shibagaki. Role of this subcommittee is to strengthen the presence of JSN as a world-prestigious Nephrology Society.
JSN has been working through AINF (Asian Integrated Nephrology Forum), ISN-COMGAN (ISN-Commission for Global Advancement of Nephrology), APSN (Asian Colloquium of Nephrology), IPNA (International Pediatric Nephrology Association), APNA (Asian Pediatric Nephrology Association), and NKF (National Kidney Foundation). JSN is also planning to start Japan-China-Korea Nephrology Conference (leader, Prof Y Tomino). First Conference will be held March 2008 in Tokyo.


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The 37th JSN Western Regional Meeting
(Updated Aug 6, 2007)

JSN Western Regional Meeting will be held on October 19 (Friday) to 20 (Saturday) in Fukui. The convention venue is the Fukui Phoenix Plaza. Professor H. Yoshida, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: Nephrology in the era of Longevity Society. Dr. S Idei, Gevea, will give a lecture on "Recent advance in the molecular pathogenesis of lupus nephritis" and Dr Brown MJ, UK, on "Molecular and clinical investigations in patients with low-renin hypertension" as special invited lectures. Professor H. Yoshida will give a presidential lecture titled "Immuno-pathological views on renal disease". The main symposium is titled "Hypoxia model as a progression of renal disease." Six educational lectures, three work-shops and seven luncheon-seminars will also be held.
For more information: visit www.jsn.or.jp or jinseibu@congre.co.jp


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The 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
(Updated July 30, 2007)

JSN Eastern Regional Meeting will be held on October 5 (Friday) to 6 (Saturday) in Saitama. The convention venue is the Ohmiya Sonic City. Professor T. Mitarai, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: 1) Accumulation to Integrity: Paradigm Shift of Clinical Nephrology.
There will be 25 educational lectures: 12 for "Recent Progress on Nephrology Research" and 13 for "Nephrology Review Course for young nephrologists". Two symposium on "Podocyte Recovery" and "Molecular Mechanism of Transporters: Clinical Appraisal" will be held. Three workshops such as "Progression and repair of renal tubular damage: From bench to bedside", "Pregnancy in renal disease patients", and "IgA nephropathy: Basic and Clinical Issues" will also be held. Each day, there will be four luncheon-seminar.
More information about this meeting is available at: www.jsn.or.jp, jintobu37@congre.co.jp


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New JSN Committee for Gender Equality in Nephrology
(Updated July 23, 2007)

In Japan, number of women doctors is increasing. The fraction of licensed was 33.7% at the 2005 national examination. In JSN, the fraction of women members is 11.2% (N=285) of the certified nephrologists and 7.31% (N=91) of the board-certified nephrologists. As in other fields of profession, women doctors are often handicapped due to the blank of career by pregnancy, child-raising or house-work and under-represented in decision-making process of many fields of activities. JSN organized the new committee for gender equality with the mission of "To promote and support individual JSN members, both men and women, activities for pursuing the profession of nephrology", chaired by Dr E Muso.
Initial goals are 1) recruiting more young women doctors for nephrology, 2) hiring more women members to participate in all JSN activities and committees, 3) life-long support to maintain specialties, 4) prepare environment for attending JSN meeting, and 5) consultation for young nephrologists. Concerning above topics, a special symposium was held at the 50th JSN general meeting in Hamamatsu.
For more information: www.jsn.or.jp


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ISN' Nexus Symposium on Hypertension and the Kidney
(Updated July 9, 2007)

The symposium will be held on November 29 to December 2, 2007, Vienna, Austria. "Driving toward improved blood pressure management, treatment and patient care" Abstract submission due was June 30.
Aim of the ISN's Nexus symposium was to offer the very latest in basic and clinical insight, discovery and treatment methodologies as part of its 3 and 1/2 days' exploration into the kidney and hypertension cross-talk and consequential implications for human health and disease. In alignment with the unique Nexus format, the core program will incorporate a series of leading plenary lectures and three sessions dedicated to both the bench and the bedside levels. Promoting a highly multidisciplinary approach, "Hypertension and the Kidney" will offer three parallel sessions to deliver the cutting edge basic and clinical discovery aimed at researchers, physicians, and clinicians respectively.
JSN received official invitation letter from ISN. JSN members are expected to send abstract and attend the symposium.
For more information, www.isn-onilne.org


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Fifth Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees
(Updated July 2, 2007)

It will be held on August 18 to 19 at Kasumigaseki-Bldg 33F in Tokyo. This time, the seminar will be organized by JSN and Kirin Brewery Company. Two special lectures feature the seminar: "Renal Anemia: Updates" by Dr. M Nangaku and "Mineral bone disease" by Dr. M Fukagawa. Moderators for case presentations and discussion are Drs. T Kato, M Endo, M Kohara, F Takemoto, M Miyazaki, T Hamano, and K Iseki, and mini-lectures and comments by Drs. H Sato, S Nishi, H Sudo, T Watanabe, T Yasuda, and K Yamagata. Debates are 1) "Is medical research necessary for clinician?" by Drs. E Imai (Pro.) and Y Koyama (Con.), and 2) "Should marginal kidneys banned for transplantation in Japan?" by Drs. T Moriyama (Pro.) and Y Shibagaki (Con.).
JSN task force members will support the seminar with attending the group discussion of the clinical trainees; Drs. H Imai. E Kinugasa, N Mori, K Okada, N Hirawa, A Yoshida, K Saito, and Y Hayashi. This seminar is really the opportunity for both the staffs and the attendees as they learn "the joy of Nephrology from senior doctors and veterans". Clinical nephrology has both aspects such as dynamic and static, and is the most suitable subspecialty for women as they are choosy but are highly tolerable.
There will be 6th Nephrology Seminar for clinical trainees in other parts of Japan. For further information, visit JSN home-page, www.jsn.or.jp


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CKD News No.2
(Updated June 25, 2007)

CKD News No. 2 has distributed during the scientific meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT) in Osaka, President Prof. Y Nishizawa. Topics of the News were 1) JSN Practice Guide was published to facilitate CKD care with mutual collaboration between nephrologists and general practitioners, 2) the first Asian Forum of CKD Initiatives (AFCKDI) was held in Hamamatsu and it was a great success to exchange strategies for CKD prevention and treatment, 3) JSN is now working to create eGFR equation for Japanese and Japanese Society for Pediatric Nephrology have initiated CKD initiatives like JSN, 4) the second World Kidney Day, March 8, 2007, "Are your kidneys OK?", has done successfully with collaboration of 65 countries worldwide. CKD News will be published periodically concerning CKD activities in Japan.


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CKD Guideline Working Group
(Updated June 18, 2007)

ISN Scientific sub-committee, led by Prof. S Sasaki is now calling the members to cooperate for the new working group to create "CKD treatment guideline". JSN is going to publish the guideline in 2 years. It should be readable for general physicians and patients which is concise and concrete. Also it should be scientifically correct. Members are required to read through papers and to participate with discussion for expert consensus. To accomplish these goals, members are called, in particular young nephrologists, to get together. Applicants should send C.V. by June 30, Saturday.
Those who have interest in the Group, visit kouhou@jsn.or.jp


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The JSN Spring Executive Board Meeting 2007
(Updated June 11, 2007)

The JSN Spring Executive Board Meeting, chaired by Prof A Hishida, was held on May 2, 2007, in Tokyo. Several important issues concerning JCKDI and the future plans were discussed. Progress on CKD guidebook was reported from Prof. S Matsuo. It was scheduled to open for JSN members through the JSN homepage on May 25. To celebrate the 50th annual meeting, there will be a ceremony on September 8, Saturday in Tokyo. Details will be announced soon.
The scientific committee, led by Prof. S Sasaki, will start to create the CKD treatment guideline. Other than this, there will be several new committees are under consideration to facilitate the CKD strategies initiated by JSN. Those who would like to help; in particular young nephrologists are welcome to each committee. For more information, visit JSN at www.jsn.or.jp


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New Treatment Strategy for IgA Nephropathy in Japan
(Updated June 4, 2007)

IgA Nephropathy (IgA GN) is a leading cause of primary glomerulonephritis in Japan and consists of the second leading cause of end-stage renal disease, so-called clinically diagnosed GN. Following the report by Hotta O et al in AJKD on 2001, similar treatment strategy has been widely practiced in Japan. JSN conducted nationwide survey through the questionnaire on this treatment. Three-hundred and seventeen facilities out of 848 (37.4% of the total) responded to the questionnaire on specific treatment such as "Tonsillectomy and pulse therapy". More than 600 patients were treated by this method since 2004. Complete remission rate of the urine abnormalities were 32% in 6 months and 45.6% in 12 months. However, there were wide variety of remission rate among facilities from <10% to >90%.
Currently, RCT on the treatment is underway.
For more information: visit kawatetu@coral.ocn.ne.jp


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Third Summer School for Renal Pathology
(Updated May 21, 2007)

Third Summer School for Renal Pathology will be held on August 18 (Saturday) and 19 (Sunday) at Fukuoka. This summer school is a part of JSN activities for continuing education for renal pathology. The main purpose is to standardize the histological diagnosis of renal biopsy specimen. Therefore, young physicians and those who would like to learn more about renal pathology are the expected audiences. There will be lectures, small group discussions, and sessions to meet the experts. It would be a great opportunities to strengthen the specialties. The venue is Fukuoka University and the expected number of attendees will be 80. Fee is 20,000 yen for handouts including CD-ROM, lunch and others. Former schools are Matsumoto (1st) and Sapporo (2nd) which were great success.

For more information: hisanos1@cis.fukuoka-u.ac.jp


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Letter from WKD Steering committee
(Updated May 14, 2007)

JSN received the official acknowledgement letter from the WKD Steering Committee, Dr S Shah and Dr W Couser.
Excerpt from the letter "On behalf of the International Federation of Kidney Foundation, the International Society of Nephrology, and indeed the worldwide renal community, we would like to personally thank you and the members of Japan Association of Chronic Kidney Disease Initiative for your commitment and enthusiasm in so effectively promoting World Kidney Day 2007 in Japan. Your exemplary efforts and initiative have contributed significantly to the success of the worldwide call to action for awareness about the kidneys on 8 March. We applaud the commitment you have shown to the cause and appreciate very much the time and energy which you have voluntarily given and which is so much more than we could have hoped for.
We express our sincere hope that you will plan to participate in the next World Kidney Day, on 13 March 2008, with continuing energy, and perhaps even more comprehensive activities and that you will become an active "ambassador" of the kidney cause in your city, country and region, encouraging others to participate as well.
Please continue to share with us your results from WKD 2007, ongoing activities, and plans for WKD 2008 and beyond. We always appreciate hearing from you and also welcome your suggestions and ideas. Thank you again for your outstanding contribution."


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Letter to Kidney International on World Kidney Day
(Updated May 7, 2007)

JSN Public Relations Committee is requested to send letter to the Kidney Internal on World Kidney Day.
"Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Kidney International
The Japanese Society of Nephrology has been supporting the International Society of Nephrology on behalf of the World Kidney Day.
By the way, we found an important misprint on the cover page of Kidney International 71 (5), 2007. On this cover page, "the World Kidney Day" is translated into a lot of languages, including the Chinese character used in Japanese, kanji. However, the Chinese character used in this page is unfortunately incorrect.
Two different Chinese characters were used in the cover page. As shown in the next page, the lower one means "the World Liver Day", and the upper one means "the World Kidney Day", but this character is an old character. We showed the correct kanji, Chinese character meaning "the World Kidney Day" in the bottom.
We would be delightful if you use the correct Chinese character in the next World Kidney Day.
Thank you for your kind help.
Sincerely yours,
President, the Japanese Society of Nephrology"
This error was pointed out from one of the JSN key-person. At the latest JSN Public Relations Committee meeting, we decided to send letter to the editor of Kidney International.
For more information: www.jsn.or.jp


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(Updated April 23, 2007)

The 3rd Asian Chapter Meeting of International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ACM-ISPD2007) will be held in Hiroshima on November 22-24, 2007. The venue is International Conference Center Hiroshima. The president and the secretary general are Dr Y Kawaguchi and Dr H Kawanishi. The 13th Japanese Society of Peritoneal Dialysis (JSPD), president, Dr H Naito) is also held simultaneously.
Keynote lectures will be given by Dr Blake P on "Future trends in PD - a world wide view" and Dr Lee HB on "Basic research in PD". Invited speakers are Drs. Li P, Krediet R, Bergman J, Lindholm B, Yamashita A, Rippe B, Davis S, Kawanishi H, and Chung SH. There will be 7 symposium and industry support sessions.
Deadline for abstract is June 15.
For more information: acm-ispd2007@ics-inc.co.jp


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CKD Practice Guide Booklet
(Updated April 16, 2007)

Final version of "CKD Practice Guide" book is displayed on the JSN homepage. Purpose of this booklet, about 82 pages, is to provide clearly and concisely of the knowledge, diagnosis, and management of CKD patients. This is mostly for the general practitioners and young physicians who are not aware of CKD. Early detection and early treatment are vital to prevent CKD progression and ESRD. Unfortunately, late-referral is still common. Patients with late-referral are doomed to progress to ESRD and their survival rate is poor even entered to dialysis therapy. JSN members are too small for the large CKD population in Japan, therefore it is reasonable to cooperate with general practitioners. CKD stage 4 needs to be referred to nephrologists.
"CKD Practice Guide" consists of 4 parts; 1) background and epidemiology of CKD, 2) diagnosis of CKD, 3) referral and follow-up of CKD and 4) treatment of CKD. After each part, there is Q&A. This booklet was made possible with the collaboration of members for the JCKDI guideline subgroup, led by Dr Y Iino.


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The 50th JSN meeting (3rd circular)
(Updated April 9, 2007)

The 50th anniversary meeting of JSN will be held in Hamamatsu on May 25 (Fri.) to 27 (Sun.).Prof. A Hishida put the slogan "Learn the history, Ponder the future". The venue is Actcity Hotel Hamamatsu.
There will be special lectures on the theme of "History and Perspectives"; 1) Manifest for JSN by Dr K Kurokawa, 2) Mechanism of proteinuria: From the bench side to bedside by Dr F Shimizu, 3) Research update on tubular disease: physiology and molecular-biology by Dr S Sasaki, 4) Non-immunological aspects of CKD progression: Research trends and perspectives by Dr I Ichikawa, and 5) Acute renal failure: History and Future by Dr A Hishida. There will be special symposium such as 1) regional strategies on CKD prevention, 2) AFCKDI, 3) ISN-COMGAN-AFCKDI workshop, 4) CKD updates for general physicians, and 5) Women in Nephrology. Special invited lecture will be addressed by Dr Star RA on "Sepsis-induced acute renal failure".
For more information, visit www2.convention.co.jp, or www.jsn.or.jp


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The 37th JSN Western Regional Meeting
(Updated April 2, 2007)

JSN Western Regional Meeting will be held on October 19 (Friday) to 20 (Saturday) in Fukui. The convention venue is the Phoenix Plaza. Professor H. Yoshida, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: Nephrology in the era of Ageing Society. Professor H. Yoshida will give a presidential lecture (tentative) titled "Immuno-pathology of renal disease". Two invited lectures will be held by Dr S. Idei on "Lupus nephritis" and by J. Brown "Molecular and clinical investigations in patients with low-renin hypertension". Six education lectures will be held (titles and speakers are TBA).
The main symposium is titled "Hypoxia Hypothesis: Basic and clinical studies on the mechanisms of progression of renal disease" chaired by Dr M. Nangaku. Three workshops will held 1) CKD and Immune-Coagulation disorders, 2) CKD and CVD- recent topics, 3) pediatric nephrology- development and clinical medicine.
More information about this meeting is available at: jinseibu@congre.co.jp


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The 37th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
(Updated Mar 26, 2007)

JSN Eastern Regional Meeting will be held on October 5 (Friday) to 6 (Saturday) in Omiya, Saitama. The convention venue is the Omiya Sonic City and Pacific Hotel Omiya. Professor T. Mitarai, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: 1) From Collecting Data to Integirty
Professor T. Mitarai, Professor of Nephrology at Saitama medical school, will give a presidential lecture (Title is TBA). Two symposium and three workshops are under planning. There will a series of educational lectures for Nephrology researchers (N=12), for young Nephrologists (N=13), 8 luncheon seminers. For the citizens, there will be lectures titled "Life style to prevent renal failure).
More information about this meeting is available at: jintobu37@congre.co.jp


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Revision of the Terminology for Nephrology
(Updated Mar 19, 2007)

 JSN is now working for the revision of the terminology mainly used for Nephrology both basic and clinical purposes. This project is a part of the JSN 50th anniversary meeting and is conducted under the leadership of task force for the restructuring of terminology in Nephrology, Drs. T Taguchi and H Makino. They finished the words-listing to be revised and added new words. The list is open for the criticisms and suggestions from the JSN members.
 The previous terminology booklet was published on 1988 at the 31st JSN meeting by Prof. H Ishikawa. Unfortunately, the booklet is not available now. Given the rapid advance in medical research in the field of nephrology and information technology, the new terminology is required. There might be some discrepancies in the terminology between JSDT and JSN concerning the new words used for dialysis therapy. ISN members are urged to visit the homepage (www.jsn.or.jp) and send their comments or suggestions to kouhou@jsn.or.jp.

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JSN appeals was accepted: Urine test is mandatory
(Updated Mar 12, 2007)

  According to the Asahi-Shinbun dated Feb. 20, Ministry of Health, Welfare, and Labor finally accepted the JSN appeal concerning dipstick urine test in the setting of general screening. The MHWL intended to set-down the role of urine test from the mandatory to optional in their original plan. They claimed that urine test was not cost-effective to prevent ESRD and instead, they planned to put measuring serum creatinine as a mandatory test. Since last September, voluntary members of JSN had meetings with the responsible persons in the MHWL and asked the rationales of the policy change.
JSN has been claimed that "urine test should be continued as a mandatory test in a setting of general screening and it is the essential part of the nephrology clinic and CKD campaign. JSN sent several comments and opinions, and prepared necessary documents to convince them. In the tentative book titled the "Standard Screening and Public Health Education Program", there was no citation of JSN activities. To our regret, there is no clinical guideline for CKD management from JSN.
JSN's next mission should toward to stop ESRD in Japan. This year 2007, JSN is going to open the series of lecture (more than 179) in every prefecture in Japan.

World Kidney Day Campaign
(Updated Mar 5, 2007)

  JSN, JSDT, and JSPN organized the meeting for "Stop the Kidney Failure -Campaign for CKD Prevention-" as part of the activity at The World Kidney Day on March 11 in Tokyo. World Kidney Day has been held worldwide on the second Thursday annually. Speakers are Drs. E Imai, K Yamagata, S Uchida, T Akizawa, O Uemura, H Makino, Y Tsukamoto, S Takahashi, and S Matsuo.
CKD is now recognized as a causal disease not only for end-stage renal disease but also for cardiovascular diseases. Japan Association for CKD Initiative is established on June 25, 2006 to promote the CKD prevention activities.
For more information: tsuchida@jsn.or.jp or visit JSN homepage at www.jsn.or.jp


JSN Project for eGFR
(Updated Feb 26, 2007)

  To define chronic kidney disease (CKD), direct measurement of GFR or estimation of GFR is required. Although, the direct measurement of GFR using inulin is the gold standard, it is time consuming and is not suitable for clinical setting. Usually, GFR is estimated using the equation to estimate GFR (eGFR).
The abbreviated MDRD equation has been used widely to calculate eGFR, however there have been several criticisms to apply the equation for Japanese. Japanese are different from Americans in many ways such as life-style and body composition. For the past 2 years, JSN sub-committee has been working to find the ethnic factor to apply the original MDRD equation. Since the original MDRD equation used the serum creatinine value measured by the Jaffe method (SCr-Jaffe), most of laboratories in Japan have to convert the value measured by enzymatic method (SCr-enzyme) to obtain eGFR. The SCr-Jaffe is usually higher at about 0.23mg/dl than SCr-enzyme. The ethnic factor for the MDRD equation was 0.881 (Imai E et al. Clin Exp Nephrol, in press 2007). Recently, another MDRD equation which adopted the SCr-enzyme was published. The ethnic factor for this equation was 0.741 (another paper by Imai E et al. Clin Exp Nephrol, in press 2007).
After these works, JSN decided to create "original" equation without using ethnic factor to obtain eGFR. For this purpose, JSN is asking nationwide project to conduct inulin-clearance (Cin) to create it. So-far, more than 80 institutions are agreed to cooperate. The new equation will be presented at 50th JSN meeting at Hamamatsu.
For more information on this project: JSN homepage at www.jsn.or.jp


The 5th International conference of Aquaporin
(Updated Feb 19, 2007)

  The 5th International conference of Aquaporin will be held on July 13-16, Nara, Japan. JSN received information from Prof. S Sasaki who is the Chair of Local Organizing Committee.
Plenary lecture will be given by Dr P Agre, the president address by Dr S Sasaki, Key note lectures by Dr A Verkman & Y Fujiyoshi, and the invited lecture by R Schrier. There will be 17 key lectures.
Welcome message from Dr S Sasaki as "It is our great pleasure to invite you to the 5th International Conference of Aquaporin in Nara, Japan, from July 13 to 16, 2007. Aquaporin research is expanding rapidly and opening up new areas. Even since the meeting in Brussels last year, many novel aspects of protein structures, functions, physiological roles in the body, and regulatory mechanisms have been discovered. As the Local Organizing Committee, we will make every effort to create a new and attractive scientific program incorporating the latest research. We hope young investigators, especially those in Asia, will join the conference and we plan to offer travel grants.
This meeting in Nara will be the first International Aquaporin Conference to be held outside Europe. Nara city is located almost in the center of Japan and close to Kyoto. Nara was the oldest capital of Japan and the city will maintains a tranquil atmosphere. There are many world heritage sites and historical temples, some of them more than 1000 years old and filled with breathtakingly beautiful Buddhist sculptures. We expect the meeting will be both academically and socially beneficial and we look forward to seeing you in Nara in July 2007.
Visit homepage at http://www.congre.co.jp/aqp2007



Asian Forum of CKD Initiative 2007
(Updated Feb 5, 2007)

  Asian Forum of CKD Initiative 2007 (AFCKDI 2007) will be held on May 27-29, 2007 at Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan. This Forum was proposed from JSN and made possible with the collaboration of ISN, COMGAN, and APSN.
Tentative program will be follow: Day 1 (May 27, Sunday), "Challenge to CKD in the World" chaired by Becker G and S Matsuo. Speakers are A Hishida, S Matsuo, Eknoyan G, Couser WG and Li KT and "ISN/COMGAN/AFCKDI Workshop" chaired by Wang H and Tomino Y. Speakers are Chen W, Jha V, Lanham R, and Iseki K which will be held on May 27. On the second day (May 28, Monday), papers titled on the "Evaluation, Screening, Risk Factors, Comorbidity, and Intervention of CKD in Asia" will be presented. On the third day (May 29, Tuesday), round table discussion for future plan in Asian countries will he organized with invited members.
For more information: To Y Tsukamoto at tsukamoto@jinzou.net



The 5th Korea-Japan Nephrology Forum
(Updated Jan 29, 2007)

  The 5th Korea-Japan Nephrology Forum will be held on March 17 (Saturday) in Pusan, Korea under the auspices of JSN and Korean Society of Nephrology. The venue is Lotte Hotel, Busan, and the topic is "Glomerular Disease". Details of the program will be announced soon. Tentatively, there will be nine speakers from Korea and Japan.
For more information: ctsuge@med.juntendo.ac.jp



Research Forum on Chronic Kidney Disease
(Updated Jan 22, 2007)

  First Research Forum on Chronic Kidney Disease will be held in Nagoya on Feb 3 (Sat.), 2007. This Forum is organized by Prof. S Matsuo who is actively leading the JCKDI. The venue is Nagoya University Hospital. Official language is English so as to exchange information with Asian countries. Invited speakers are Drs. M Horio (Osaka), Kim BS (S Korea), Chen HC (Taiwan), F Irie (Ibaraki), and Iseki K (Okinawa). Other speakers are yet to be announced. Dr Horio will talk about the GFR estimation in Japanese. He has been involved in JSN subcommittee on this project.
CKD is increasingly recognized not only as a cause of end-stage renal disease but also as a cause of cardiovascular disease. Importantly, it is intimately associated with non-healthy lifestyles such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and heavy drinking. Therefore, it is interesting to exchange information with Asian countries and is to promote collaboration on CKD research.
For more information: ckdforum@med.nagoya-u.ac.jp



JSN Campaign for CKD Prevention
(Updated Jan 15, 2007)

  As a part of the 50th anniversary event, JSN initiated a nationwide campaign for the CKD prevention. This year, JSN endorse lectures which will be held for more than 179 places in Japan. The purpose of this lecture series is to spread the concept of CKD management for the general practitioners. Lectures will be supported by JSN, pharmaceutical companies and regional medical association. JSN has prepared official slides for the campaign. Speakers will be expected to share the slides as a part of their lectures. JSN is also preparing the guide-book for the CKD management. This book will be published by the JSN general meeting which will be held in Hamamatsu on May 25-27, 2007.
Organizers are Drs A Hishida (JSN president), T Fujita (Director of the 50th JSN anniversary event), and S Matsuo (Chairman of the JCKDI). Designated regional members for the campaign are Drs K Kikuchi (Hokkaido), S Itoh and T Watanabe (Tohoku), T Fujita and T Hosoya (Kanto), F Gejyo and H Yokoyama (Chu-Shinetsu), A Hishida and S Matsuo (Tokai), Y Nishizawa and K Nakanishi (Kinki), H Makino and T Yorioka (Chugoku), and T Saito and K Tomita (Kyushu).