● Obituary
(Updated December 22, 2008)
We lost following honorable members this year.
Dr. K. Oshima who was a professor emeritus of the Nihon
University and the first President of JSN died on April 1, 2008.
Dr. Y. Ueda who was a professor emeritus of the Tokyo
Jikei University and the third President of JSN died on April 8, 2008.
Dr. M. Hatano who was a professor emeritus of the Nihon
University and the fifth President of JSN died on November 15, 2008.
They were actually the founder of JSN and were active as researcher and
educator, and raised many professors and fellows in the field of nephrology.
JSN express sincere thanks to them and acknowledge the contribution to
the society.
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● The JSN Autumn Executive Board
Meeting 2008
(Updated December 15, 2008)
The JSN Autumn Executive Board Meeting, chaired by Prof H Makino, was
held on December 1, 2008, in Tokyo. Several important issues concerning
JCKDI and the future plans were reported and discussed. JSN is welcomed
the news that ISN-Nexus symposium will be held in Kyoto, April 22 to 25,
2010, and also is working hard to invite WCN2013. Final answer to this
invitation will be made on May 2009 at Milan during WCN2009. The CKD Guide
book, version 2, is under translation into English. Progress on CKD treatment
guideline was reported from Prof. S Sasaki. It was scheduled to open for
JSN members through the JSN homepage. Several subcommittees were organized
to facilitate the JSN activities on CKD. Several cohort studies are planned
and some of them are already started. JSN homepage will be renewed soon.
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● Up-to-date Nephrology Seminar
(Updated December 8, 2008)
Up-to-date Nephrology Seminar will be held on coming February 11, Wednesday,
2009. The venue is Sanjo Conference Hall, Tokyo University. This seminar
is one of the JSN activities for the invitation of WCN2013, Kyoto. The
invited guest speaker is Prof. Floege J, Germany. The tentative program
is following:
12:30-12:35:Opening re marks by the JSN president, Dr Makino F
Session 1, Chaired by Imai E (Osaka University)
12:35-13:10 Ueda S (Kurume University)
13:10-13:45 Mori K (Kyoto University)
13:45-14:00 Coffee Break
Session 2, Chaired by Igarashi T (University of Tokyo)
14:00-14:35 Nangaku M (University of Tokyo)
14:35-15:10 Miyata T (Tohoku University)
15:10-15:25 Coffee Break
Plenary session, Chaired by Makino H
15:25-16:25 Juergen Floege (RWTH University of Aachen)
16:25-16:30 Concluding remarks by Dr Ito S (Tohoku University, chairman
of the international exchange committee of JSN)
For more information: www.jsn.or.jp
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● Update of FROM-J
(Updated December 1, 2008)
Frontier of Renal Outcome Modifications in Japan (FRM-J) is now on the
second stage. Registration of CKD patients was finished on Oct 15, 2008.
Total number of registered was 2490 in 49 local medical associations throughout
Japan. They were randomly assigned into group A and group B. Official
intervention program, in particular to group B, was started on Oct 20.
The study period will finish on March 2011.
Both groups adopt the treatment policy included in the JSN "Practice
Guide". In intervention B, patients are also followed by registered
dietician and monitored outside personnel every month. The primary outcomes
are; 1) the drop-out rate, 2) the referral rate to registered nephrologists,
and 3) progression rate of CKD to ESRD. The expected difference in the
incidence in ESRD is 15% in 5 years. CKD is a new National target disease
for the strategic medical research in Japan. Japan Kidney Foundation and
JSN are actively supporting the project.
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● 2nd Congress of International Society
for Hemodialysis (ISHD 2009)
(Updated November 17, 2008)
The 2nd Congress of International Society for Hemodialysis (ISHD 2009)
will be held in Hong Kong during 28-30 August 2009. JSN received the following
welcome message from the President of JSHD, Pro Claudio Ronco. "
On behalf of the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Program Committee
of ISHD 2009, we would like to invite the Asia Pacific Society of Nephrology
(APSN) to be its supporting organization. This Congress is designed to
provide basic training, continuous education, as well as highlights of
the frontier of clinical and basic science development related to HD,
CRRT and renal aspect of ICU patients. It will also stimulate critical
thinking and discussion on controversies in HD and ICU, and inspire directions
in future research to ultimately benefit all renal patients.
We expect 1,500 of the worldユs leading practitioners to attend this Congress.
We attach the First Announcement, promotional leaflet with the preliminary
program. Prominent speakers are being invited from USA, Europe and the
Asia Pacific Region. We look forward to hearing your favorable reply.
Please feel free to contact us if you need further information."
The Chairman of Scientific Committee is Prof. Philip KT Li, and the venue
is Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre. The Host Organizer is
Hong Kong Society of Nephrology, president of organizing committee is
Prof. Alex WY Yu. Deadline for abstract submission is April 1, 2009 and
for early bird registration is June 30, 2009. For more information: www.ishd2009.org.
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● The 38th JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
(Updated November 3/10, 2008)
JSN Eastern Regional Meeting was held on October 11 (Saturday) to 12
(Sunday) in Tokyo. The convention venue was the Roppongi Academyhills
40. Professor Y. Iino, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the
meeting: CKD is common and treatable. Special session was a dialogue of
Drs K Kurokawa and Y Iino on the Japanese Medicine.
Four symposiums were held as 1) IgA nephropathy: special emphasis on focal
infection and IgA nephropathy, 2) Water-electrolyte metabolism: Up-To-Date
on diagnosis and treatment, 3) Pondering on the pathophysiology of CKD,
and 4) Approach to the best treatment of CKD. A total of 335 papers were
presented by orally. During the meeting, there were 2 morning lecture,
13 luncheon seminars, and two evening lectures.
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● The AFCKDI2009:First Announcement
(Updated Octorber 27, 2008)
The 3rd
Asian Forum of CKD Initiative (AFCKDI) 2009 will be posted by the Taiwan
Society of Nephrology (TSN). The venue is Kaoshiung, Taiwan, April
18-19, 2009. The theme is CKD Prevention – A Challenge in Asian
Countries. Honorary president is Yuh-Feng Lin, Tri-service General
Hospital, and the president is Dr Hung-Chun Chen, Kaoshiung University.
Drs Lin and Chen said: "The requirement of renal replacement therapy is
inevitable in its' advanced stage. The increasing incidence and
prevalence rates of ESRD in Asia and other regions of the world have
made not only economic burden but also health impact to the patients,
families, and the national health system. How to control this rising
rate has become a universal urging problem. The prevention with early
intervention to brake this relentless progression is the best and the
most effective way against this challenge. This forum will provide us
the opportunity to discuss its' merits, point the crux, and present
solutions." Topics of the conference
will be 1) Epidemiology & Risks, 2) Screening & Referral, 3) Diagnosis &
Management, 4) Care Plan & Tool, and 5) Impact & Prospective. CKD is a
worldwide public health issue. More information about this
meeting is available at: www.tsn.org.tw
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● The 38th JSN Western Regional Meeting
(Updated Octorber 13/20, 2008)
JSN Western Regional Meeting was held on September 26 (Friday) to 27
(Saturday) in Nagoya. The convention venue was the Nagoya Will-Aichi,
Aichi Women General Center. Professor G. Kimura, president of the meeting,
put the slogan of the meeting: New Era is coming: Goal for complete CKD
resolution. Invited speakers were Dr. Dick de Zeeuw, University of Groningen,
Netherlands, on "Complete resolution of chronic kidney disease"
and Dr Silverberg DS, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel, on "Cardio-renal
syndrome". Professor G. Kimura addressed a presidential lecture titled
"On the renal reserve and attractiveness of nephrology." The
main symposium was titled "New Markers of Glomerular Function chaired
by Matsuo S and Imai E. A total of 108 papers and 174 posters were presented.
Welcome reception and get-together party were held at the prestigious
"Tokugawa art museum". Awards for young trainees who might join
JSN were given for splendid papers.
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● JSN initiatives boost ISN membership
campaign (ISN News)
(Updated Octorber 6, 2008)
In the
September issue of the ISN News bulletin, No 27, 2008 there is the column
of the ISN membership campaign at the JSN meeting in Fukuoka last May.
It said that during the three days meeting, a total of 271 JSN members
have registered for ISN which was quite stunning.
This significant increase in membership reflects the JSN efforts to strengthen
the visibility in the international arena of Nephrology. Drs Hishida,
former president of JSN, and Makino, the president elect, are supporting
the agenda to contribute to the ISN and its global mission. Also, this
is the follow-ups of the statement from Drs Ritz, president of ISN, and
Dr Couser, COMGAN Chair welcoming the strengthening of the ISN and JSN
partnership. It is quite possible that ISN membership will grow around
1,000 by the end of 2008.
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● International
Congress of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009)
(Updated September 29, 2008)
The 36th
International Congress of Physiological Sciences (International Union
of Physiological Sciences, IUPS) will be held in Kyoto from July 27 (Monday)
to August 1 (Saturday), 2009. President is Prof. Miyashita Y, Department of
Physiology, School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo. The main theme is
"Function of Life: Elements and Integration". The venue is Kyoto
International Conference Center (ICC Kyoto), Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto.
Call for abstract was started Sept 1 and ends on Dec 10. Early registration
will be during Sept 1, 2008 to April 17, 2009. JSN is supporting this
International Meeting. For more information, visit
the homepage at http://www.iups2009.com
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● Impact factor for Clinical and
Experimental Nephrology
(Updated September 15,22, 2008)
The Clinical and Experimental Nephrology (CEN) is a JSN official journal.
JSN publication committee, led by Prof. G Kimura has announced that CEN
is included in the database of the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
and Current/Clinical Medicine in 2008. Therefore, the Impact Factor (IF)
will be based on the 2008-2009 papers in CEN. IF will be calculated how
often these papers are cited in other journals published in 2010. It has
been a long desire to obtain the IF for CEN, and comes true in 2011. JSN
members are pleased to receive this news and are ready to polish further
the CEN. We are encouraged to submit papers to CEN and/or are to cite
the papers in CEN for the reference. Researchers and clinicians of foreign
countries including Asian countries will also welcome this news and are
encouraged to submit papers.
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● JSN CKD Practice Guideline
(Updated September 8, 2008)
JSN has published "CKD Practice Guide" on last September.
So far, it is distributed more than 130,000 copies. The purpose was to
spread the concept of CKD throughout Japan. It was followed by the publication
of the supplemental booklet "CKD Practice Guide on Hypertension"
on July 2008. JSN is now working for the "CKD Practice Guideline",
led by Professor S Sasaki. It is under the process of peer review by JSN
assigned members. The purpose of this GL is to show the specialists concerning
the current standard on CKD practice by summarizing the evidences and
expert opinions. Nephrologists are busy and hardly find time for reading
up-dated papers or attending scientific meetings. However, they are to
decide the treatment in daily practice and consultation. Some of them
are controversial. This GL will offer the knowledge and information which
is summarized after extensive reading of the current papers by voluntary
members of JSN.
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● CAP-KD: Carbonaceous oral Adsorbent's
effectiveness on Progression of chronic Kidney Disease
(Updated September 1, 2008)
Summary of Carbonaceous oral Adsorbent's effectiveness on Progression
of chronic Kidney Disease (CAP-KD)was published in The Japanese Journal
of Nephrology (50: 528-531, 2008). This study was the first initiated
and conducted by the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN). Aim of the
study was to examine the effectives of carbonaceous oral adsorbent (AST120,
Kremezin) using the prospective randomized control method. The registration
period was from April 2004 to February 2006, N=460, and followed for 56
weeks. Patients were randomly assigned either control or Kremedin group.
Eligible patients were those with progressive CKD or serum creatinine
(SCr)<5.0mg/dl. Composite endpoints were doubling time of SCr, elevation
of SCr 6.0mg/dl and over, and start of ESRD treatment. Unfortunately,
there was no significant difference in the composite endpoints between
the groups. However, there was a slight difference in GFR change estimated
using the JSN equation, suggesting slower decline in Kremezin group. It
required longer duration of follow-up to obtain the clinical significance.
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● FROM-J: Frontier of Renal Outcome
Modifications in Japan
(Updated August 25, 2008)
Due to the high prevalence and incidence of ESRD, the Japanese Government
(Ministry of Health and Labor) assigned CKD as a National target disease
for the strategic medical research on 2007. Japan Kidney Foundation was
asked to launch the investigation: the project leader, Prof. Yamagata
K. The main object of this research is to observe the CKD progression
between two treatment strategies such as intervention A and B by using
cluster-random method. Treatment strategies will be randomly assigned
to each regional medical association. Each medical association has registered
10 general physicians (Kakarituke doctor). A total of 50 regional medical
associations will participate: 500 general physicians. Each physician
will register at least 5 CKD patients by end of September 2008. In both
treatment groups, CKD patients are treated by general physician based
on the CKD practice guide of the JSN. The difference is the intensity
of treatment such as follow-up monitoring, life-style modification, and
dietary instruction. In intervention B, patients are also followed by
registered dietician and monitored every month. The primary outcomes are;
1) the drop-out rate, 2) the referral rate to registered nephrologists,
and 3) progression rate of CKD to ESRD. The expected difference in the
ESRD incidence is 15% in 5 years. Strengths of this project are that this
is the first National project to fight CKD and alert co-medical staff
such as nurse, dietitician, and other medical services to CKD. CKD practice
guide will be prevailed throughout Japan by this study. The priority of
this project is to observe the referral rate of CKD patients from general
physician to nephrologists. Therefore, the precise rate of CKD progression
and event rate related to CKD stages may not be critically evaluated.
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● CKD Practice Guide on Hypertension
(Updated August 18, 2008)
Practice Guide on Hypertension was issued on July 31, 2008 with the
collaboration of Japanese Society of Hypertension (JSH). This booklet is
supplementary to the CKD Practice Guide which was published last year.
Several members from the JSN, Drs G Kimura, H Kumagai, and H Yokoyama,
and the JSH, Drs I Abe, T Ishimitsu, and S Ito worked together to
compile it as simple and concise. Treatment of hypertension is a major
tool to prevent the progression of CKD. Both societies share a laudable
goal of preventing ESRD and CVD. This booklet further distribute the
concept of CKD, in particular the importance of controlling blood
pressure. The target blood pressure is 130/80mmHg for CKD, and further
to 125/75mmHg in case of significant proteinuria of more than 1g/day. It
also attached the CD-ROM containing the slides for presentation.
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(Updated August 11, 2008)
New JSN president,
Prof. H Makino has nominated new leader, co-leader, and members in 10
committees and special committee for CKD project. Therefore, JSN
re-organized and strengthened the CKDI as a special task force. The
project leader is Prof. T Watanabe and co-chair is Dr E Imai. The CKD
project consists of 8 sub-committees such as epidemiology (M Horio),
starategic research (K Yamagata), progressive kidney damage (S Matsuo),
validation of urine test for universal screening (K Iseki), promotion of
clinical research (E Imai), overall CKD registry (H Yokoyama), public
relations and consortium of CKDI (T Watanabe), and English translation
of CKD practice guide (Y Iino).
For the past 4 years, JSN
has been successful for the spreading the CKD throughout Japan. Now, time
has come to get the answer: decreasing trend in the incidence of ESRD. To
prove it, we certainly need a lot of epidemiological data with collaboration
not only JSN members but also general physicians and others. | page top |
● Chronic Kidney Disease Japan Cohort
(Updated July 28, 2008)
CKD-JAC is just started to register CKD patients throughout Japan. Total
number of patients will be 3000 and followed 4 years concerning the process
of deterioration of GFR and other outcomes. Essentially, this prospective
observational study is to describe the current status of CKD management
in Japan. There will be no intervention. This study could provide the
natural, treated, course of progression of CKD in Japanese. Furthermore,
there will be some clinical clue to identify those who progress rapidly
despite standard care. Design and method of this study with the leading
author Dr E Imai appeared in Hypertension Research 31: 1101-1108, 2008.
Information of CKD-JAC is available in the JSN home-page (www.jsn.or.jp).
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● New JSN President
(Updated July 14, 2008)
During the 51st Annual JSN Meeting in Fukuoka, Professor H Makino was
elected as the president of JSN. He is a professor of department of internal
medicine, Okayama University School of Medicine.
Following is the excerpt message to the JSN members distributed on June
17; "I am honored to serve as a president of the JSN. JSN has been
supported wide range of activities including basic and clinical research,
publication on pathophysiology and treatment of renal diseases, and prevention
of renal diseases. I would like to strengthen the JSN activities by following
activities, 1) public relations through
① CKD initiatives and collaboration with other scientific associations,② conducting
clinical research supported or led by JSN,
2) global
activities, ① invitation of World Congress of
Nephrology, ② ISN-Nexus symposium on "Bone
and the Kidney", ③ Asian Forum of CKD Initiatives,
and 3) Continuous Medical Education for
① residents and junior fellows of nephrology,
women in nephrology, ③ co-medical staffs such
as nurses, public health nurse, pharmacists, registered nutritionist,
and laboratory technicians.
JSN is currently working on "CKD treatment guideline" under
the leadership of Professor S Sasaki. Disclosure of "Conflict of
Interest" is required for this guideline and may be other JSN activities.
Two more issues are needed to be settled during my tenures such as 1)
due process to elect the president of the society, board members, and
president of the annual scientific meeting, and 2) shift the management
of the annual scientific meeting to JSN program committee from each ad
hoc president. Also, it will be other issue on Japan Kidney Week to be
held with the JSDT."
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● Japan Kidney Week 2009
(Updated July 7, 2008)
The 52nd Annual JSN Meeting will be held on June 3, Wednesday, to June
5, Friday, in Yokohama led by Prof T. Fujita, Tokyo University. The venue
is Pacifico-Yokohama. It will be held with conjunction with the 54th Japanese
Society for Dialysis Therapy (JSDT), led by Professor T Sanaka, from June
5 to 7. It will be Japan Kidney Week 2009. The slogan is "Harmony
with Basic and Clinical Science". The special lecture will be held
by Professor S Yamanaka on June 3, and the invited speakers are Professor
Ellison D, Oregon Health and Science University, and Professor Coffman
TM, Duke University and Durham VA Medical Center. The deadline for abstract
will be December 24, 2008 by http://kid2009.umin.jp.
Information is also available at kidney2009-office@umin.ac.jp.
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● New eGFR equation for Japanese
(Updated June 30, 2008)
JSN has been working extensively on CKD, in particular to obtain eGFR
equation suitable for Japanese. For this purpose, data from several community-based
screening programs and inulin clearance done in many hospitals were collected
with the collaboration of many JSN members. Before the publication, the
following equation was presented at the 51st JSN meeting in
Fukuoka. Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN) original equation developed
using inulin clearance:
eGFR=194×Scr-1.094×Age-0.287 (×0.739, if female)
Serum creatinine (SCr) should be measured by the enzymatic method, not
the Jaffe method. CKD should be suspected if SCr is more than 1.0mg/dl
in men and 0.8mg/dl in women... JSN reported relatively high prevalence
of eGFR levels around 50-59ml/min/1.73m2. Therefore, confirmation is necessary
in 3 months to diagnose CKD. Automatic reporting based on the JSN equation
might facilitate other medical specialties and even nephrologists to detect
un-recognized CKD and therefore prevent the progression of CKD.
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● Seventh Nephrology Seminar for
clinical trainees
(Updated June 23, 2008)
It will be held on August 2 to 3 at Nadao Hall, Kasumigaseki, Tokyo.
It will start by the opening remarks from Prof K Yamagata, leader of this
seminar. The tentative schedule for August 2, Saturday, is as follows:
four case studies with mini-lecture will be presented. Evening lecture
will be presented by the new JSN president, Prof. H Makino, on "Yell
for upcoming Nephrologists". After the evening lecture, there will
be a get-together party at Kasumigaseki-Bldg 33F in Tokyo which is located
near the Hall. On August 3, Sunday, case-studies on acid-base balance
will begin at 8:00. The morning seminar on "Nephrology Practice Tomorrow"
by Prof. S Matsuo, and other case-studies on chronic renal failure will
follow. Luncheon seminar will be held by Prof T Sakai on "Structure
and function of kidney". Sunday afternoon session will be on the
various aspects of nephrology by JSN task force.
JSN task force members will support the seminar with attending the group
discussion of the clinical trainees. This seminar is really the opportunity
for both the staffs and the attendees as they learn "the joy of Nephrology
from senior doctors and veterans". Clinical nephrology has both aspects
such as dynamic and static, and is the most suitable subspecialty for
women as they are choosy but are highly tolerable.
For further information, visit JSN home-page: www.jsn.or.jp
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● Call for New ISN Members
(Updated June 16, 2008)
JSN is officially launched the subcommittee for the invitation of the
World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) into Japan. JSN is planning to invite
it either 2013 or 2015. The last WCN held in Japan is more than 20 years
ago, 1990 in Tokyo, led by Prof. K. Oshima. The first mission of the subcommittee,
led by Prof. S Ito, is to increase the Japanese ISN members. Campaign
to increase the ISN members is currently developing with the task force
of the subcommittee and is supported by many other JSN members. During
the 51st JSN meeting in Fukuoka, ISN booth was settled to invite new members
for ISN. For this special ISN booth, Mrs. Couser joined and worked very
hard for three days. JSN will be necessary to contribute further at other
international meetings in both basic and clinical science. Against the
geographical handicap, we should aggressively speak out and act for public
in international arena. WCN in Japan would be the greatest chance for
young JSN nephrologists, trainees, and medical students.
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● The JDCP study
(Updated June 9, 2008)
for The Japan
Diabetes Complication and its Prevention Prospective
Study (JDCP) JSN
is collaborating the above project and is calling to register patient. The
project leader is Prof T Kobayashi, Toyama University Hospital. Eligible
criteria is DM patients either type 1 or type 2, age 40 to 74, and the
exclusion criteria is those who are not competent to regular check-ups,
severe proliferative DM retinopathy, ESRD, and diagnosed malignancies within
5 years. Total number of patients needed is 10,000 and will be followed 5
years. The main object is to see the current practice and observe the
development of DM complications. Original period of registration was by
November 2007, but only 3200 patients have registered. Therefore, the
registration is extended up to June 2008.
For more information;
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● The 51st Annual JSN
(Updated June 2, 2008)
The 51st Annual JSN Meeting was held on May 30, Friday, to
June 1, Sunday, in Fukuoka. The venue was Fukuoka International Congress
Center and Fukuoka Sun Palace Hotel & Hall. During the first day of
the meeting, May 30, the special ceremony to dedicate for Dr K Oshima
was held. He is one of the founder of JSN and recently died at age 100.
Prof. T Saito gave a presidential lecture titled "Kidney and Health".
Foreign invited speakers were Dr Atkins RC on "The global pandemic
of diabetic nephropathy" and Dr Benzing T on "Podocyte biology
and glomerular disease". There were 385 oral, 450 poster, and 18
English presentations, total of 853. There were 25 luncheon seminers and
two evening seminers.
During this meeting, Prof. H. Makino was elected as the next JSN president
and will promote further the JCKDI. Next JSN meeting will be held in Yokohama,
led by Prof T. Fujita, from June 3 to 5, 2009.
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● News from EDTA in Stockholm
(Updated May 26, 2008)
The 45th European Renal Association (ERA) and European Dialysis Transplant
Association (EDTA) meeting was held in Stockholm, Sweden on May 10 to
13, 2008. Total number of submitted abstract was 1964. Among them, 100
abstracts were from Japan and this was the number 5th countries following
Italy, Spain, Iran, and Turkey. The number of abstract from Japan was
surprisingly higher than that of Germany, United Kingdom, and Poland.
Several papers from Japan were awarded.
ERA-EDTA is challenging to take stage 4-5 CKD Registries, chaired by Camine
Zoccali. This initiative aimed at accelerating the evolution of renal
registries towards high quality clinical data-bases that may be used as
quality control instruments. Next ERA-EDTA meeting will be held in collaboration
with the International Society of Nephrology on May 22-66, 2009 in Milan,
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● Second Asian Forum of CKI Initiative
(AFCKDI) in Kuala Lumpur
(Updated May 19, 2008)
Second Asian Forum of CKI Initiative in Kuala Lumpur was over with great
success. It was held as a pre-Congress Workshop of the 11th Asian pacific
Congress of Nephrology on May 4, Sunday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The
final program included three major sessions: 1) common eGFR equation in
Asia, 2) Specific consideration in etiology and risk factor of ESKD in
Asia, and 3) international consideration and integration of CKD initiative
in Asia. There was a hot discussion on the equation of eGFR for Asian
population, and still remained several issues to sole the inconsistency
between China and Japan. There are several similarities and differences
in epidemiology of CKD in Asian countries. Concerning the strategy for
CKD prevention, inter-relationship between developed and developing countries,
and also among developing countries are important. The next AFCKDI will
be in Kaohsiung, Taiwan on April 18-19, 2009. After the conference, Dr
Y Tsukamoto was elected as the first chairperson of the AFCKDI.
Following the AFCKDI, the 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN)
was held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia on 5th-8th May 2008.
The registered attendee was about 1700. It also incorporated the 14th
Colloquium in Nephrology and 2nd Asian Forum in CKD Initiative 2008. The
next APCN will be on June 5-8, 2010 in Seoul, Korea.
For more information: visit www.apcn2008.org.my
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● The JSN Spring Executive Board
Meeting 2008
(Updated May 12, 2008)
The JSN Spring Executive Board Meeting, chaired by Prof A Hishida, was
held on April 28, 2008, in Tokyo. Total number of JSN member was 8120
and the new member who joined during November 3, 2007 to April 20, 2008
was 217. Broad areas of JSN activities were reported by leaders from each
committee and sub-committee and discussed the future plans. CKD Guide
book have already sold 130,000 copies. New subcommittee for the invitation
of International Congress of Nephrology, chaired by Prof S Itoh, was organized.
Hopefully, we will have it 2013 or 2015. JSN members are encouraged to
give any advice to the sub-committee.
Following board members are retiring after 6 years on service are Drs
T Saito, T Fujita, I Ichikawa, A Hishida, A Koyama, K Kohri, E Higashihara,
and F Gejyo. Dr Y Tomino will also retire because he became the Dean of
Department of Medicine, Juntendo University. New board members will be
H Makino, E Imai, S Itoh, T Nakao, S Horie, S Mizuiri, K Takahashi, and
T Igarashi. Next president of the JSN will be elected at the 51st JSN
annual meeting in Fukuoka on May 29 to June 1.
For more information, visit JSN at www.jsn.or.jp.
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● The 38th JSN Eastern
Regional Meeting
(Updated April 21, 2008)
JSN Eastern Regional Meeting will be held on October 11 (Saturday) to
12 (Sunday) in Tokyo. The convention venue is the Roppongi-Academy. Professor
Y. Iino, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: CKD
is common and treatable. There will be a special dialogue with Dr K Kurokawa
and Prof. Y Iino on "Perspectives on the Japanese Medical Policy".
Four symposiums on "IgA nephropathy" chaired by O Hotta, "Water
electrolyte metabolism" chaired by S Sasaki and S Uchida, "Pathophysiology
of CKD" chaired by K Kimura and T Watanabe, and "Treatment of
CKD" chaired by M Ogawa and N Hayama, will be held.
More information about this meeting is available at: east38@mtoyou.jp
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● The 38th JSN Western Regional Meeting
(Updated April 14, 2008)
JSN Western Regional Meeting will be held on September 26 (Friday) to
27 (Saturday) in Nagoya. The convention venue is the Nagoya Will-Aichi,
Aichi Women General Center. Professor G. Kimura, president of the meeting,
put the slogan of the meeting: New Era coming to complete resolution of
Kidney Disease. Dr. Dick de Zeeuw, University of Groningen, Netherlands,
will speak on "Complete resolution of chronic kidney disease"
and Dr Silverberg DS, Tel Aviv Medical Center, Israel, "Cardio-renal
syndrome" as the invited lecture. Professor G. Kimura will give a
presidential lecture titled "On the renal reserve and attractiveness
of nephrology." The main symposium is titled "New Markers of
Glomerular Function chaired by Matsuo S and Imai E.
More information about this meeting is available at: jinseibu38@congre.co.jp
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● The fourth Summer School of Renal
(Updated April 7, 2008)
The Fourth Summer School for Renal Pathology will be held on August 23
(Saturday) and 24 (Sunday) at Osaka. This summer school is a part of JSN
activities for continuing education for renal pathology. The main purpose
is to standardize the histological diagnosis of renal biopsy specimen.
Therefore, young physicians and those who would like to learn more about
renal pathology are the expected audiences. There will be lectures, small
group discussions, and sessions to meet the experts. It would be a great
opportunities to strengthen the specialties. The venue is Osaka University
and the expected number of attendees will be 80. Fee is 20,000 yen for
handouts including CD-ROM, lunch and others. Former school sites were
Matsumoto (1st), Sapporo (2nd) and Fukuoka (3rd) which were finished with
great success.
For more information: oka-okamura@kaisei-hp.co.jp
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● First Japan-China-Korea Kidney
(Updated March 31, 2008)
The 1st Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference was held on March 22, in Tokyo.
It was organized after combining the Japan-Korea Kidney Conference (since
2003) and Japan-China Kidney Conference (since 2004). Chairman of the
Conference was led by Prof. Tomino Y (vice chairman: Uchida S & Nitta
K). Opening remarks was addressed by Drs Tomino Y (Japan), Yu X (China),
and Kim S (Korea).
The first session, chaired by Kaizu K & Lin S, was presented by Matsuo
S, Chin HJ, and Iseki K. The topics were "Japan CKD Initiatives Up-date"
by Matsuo S, "The Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Korea"
by Chin HJ, and "Are Japanese a high-risk population of ESRD?"
by Iseki K. The second session, chaired by Liu ZH & Park JS, were
"Prevalence and risk factors of chronic kidney disease in adult population
in Southern China (Both Urban and Rural Areas)" by Yu X, "The
Japanese equations for estimating glomerular filtration rate from serum
creatinine" by Imai E, and "Community-based study on chronic
kidney disease and its associated risk factors in Shanghai" by Chen
N. The third session were "High-fat diet aggravates hypertension
and induces glomerulosclerosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats"
by Shin SJ, "Effect of direct renin inhibition (Aliskiren) on the
progression of diabetic vascular complication in type 2 diabetic mice"
by Kang YS, "Successful treatment of class V+IV lupus nephritis with
multi-target therapy" by Liu ZH, and "Characteristics of anti-GBM
antibody in the progression of anti-GBM disease" by Zhao M.
The next Kidney Conference will be held in Shanghai.
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● Second Asian Forum of CKI Initiative
in Kuala Lumpur
(Updated March 24, 2008)
Second Asian Forum of CKI Initiative in Kuala Lumpur will be held as a
pre-Congress Workshop of the 11th Asian pacific Congress of Nephrology
on May 4, Sunday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The final program included
three major sessions: 1) common eGFR equation in Asia, 2) Specific consideration
in etiology and risk factor of ESKD in Asia, and 3) international consideration
and integration of CKD initiative in Asia.
The 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN) will be held in Kuala
Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia on 5th-8th May 2008. It also incorporates
14th Colloquium in Nephrology and 2nd Asian Forum in CKD Initiative 2008.
There will be a hot discussion on the estimation of GFR for Asian population,
epidemiology of CKD in Asian countries, and strategy for CKD prevention.
JSN is supporting the Congress and AFCKDI. Several members from Japan
are invited to give lectures.
For more information: visit www.apcn2008.org.my
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● CME by JSN
(Updated March 17, 2008)
JSN has been publishing the Japanese Journal of Nephrology (JJN) written
in Japanese. On November 2007, JJN distributed CME in the supplement to
vol. 49, no 8. Prof. Kimura, editor-in-chief, stated that this supplement
would be first of topic series of publication, 8 issues per year.
Five categories of examination for 1) Medical student, 2) Examinees of
the National Medical Examination, 3) Qualified Internal Physician, 4)
Qualified Nephrologists, and 5) Self-training examination of practicing
Nephrologists are contained in the supplement. It also included some questions
and answers from NephSAP which were cordially supplied from ASN. For this
supplement, many subcommittee members of Pre and Post-Graduate Education
Subcommittee, led by Prof H Imai, devoted their skills, knowledge, and
time. Those who would like to work for the future CMD, please ask JSN
office at office@jsn.or.jp.
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● Japan Kidney Day
(Updated March 10, 2008)
Japan CKD Initiatives, President Prof A Hishida, celebrated World Kidney
Day (WKD) on March 9, 2008. Japan Kidney Day was the part of WKD worldwide.
It was organized by the Japan CKD Initiatives with the collaboration of
JSN, JSDT, and JPN. Concept of CKD prevails in every corners of Japan
and worldwide to prevent end-stage renal disease and cardiovascular disease.
Japan has the highest prevalence of ESRD and a long history of universal
screening. There might be a big-gap on CKD between specialist and general
people and practitioners. The next step is to practice and cooperate as
shown in the JSN "CKD Practice Guide."
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● Clinical and Experimental Nephrology
(Updated March 3, 2008)
Clinical and Experimental Nephrology (CEN) is the official English journal
of the JSN, led by Prof. G Kimura. It is available online manuscript submission,
review, and tracking system. SpringerLink is an integrated full-text database
for the journal. General and detailed information is available at www.springerlink.com.
Currently, CEN editorial committee is negotiating with ISI to obtain the
IF, impact factor. This year, CEN will be published bi-monthly. CEN was
registered for DOI, http://www.doi.org,
therefore, paper in CEN can be seen Online First from January 2008. To
gain international attention, JSN set a space for CEN at the 2007 ASN
in San Francisco.
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● Frontier of Renal Outcome Modifications
in Japan
(Updated Feb 25, 2008)
The increment of dialysis population is one of the main clinical
and socio-economical issues for not only Japan but for the entire world.
To prevent the expansion of ESRD population effective treatment strategy
should be elucidated, So far, several medications have been used generally,
however, there are no published guidelines in CKD therapy. Japanese government,
Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare is going to start the project,
FROM-J to find out the better solution to prevent ESRD. The study period
will be 5 years from April 2008. More than 400 primary care physicians
are recruited to register 5 CKD patients each. According to the medical
associations, there are two type of intervention such as group A and group
B. Group A will take car of CKD patients according to the JSN CJD practice
guide, and Group B will be supported by nurses, nutritionist to support
dietary management and encourage not to drop-out from the follow-up. The
goal of the project is to show the effectiveness of co-medical support
and nephrologists and PCP co-ordination to prevent at least 15% in 5 years
of the incidence of ESRD.
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● JSN New Sub-Committee for liaison
with ISN
(Updated Feb 18, 2008)
JSN has been working hard to spread the concept of CKD throughout
Japan. Last year, JSN conducted several important activities on CKD initiatives.
Moreover, JSN started a new subcommittee to promote these activities and
to create better collaboration with international societies. JSN president
sent a letter to the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) president,
Dr Ritz E. concerning the invitation of future ISN to Japan. At the last
board meeting, JSN decided to invite the meeting of the ISN to Japan.
It was more than 15 years ago that we had the meeting in Tokyo in 1990.
It seems to be the time for us to hold the meeting again in Japan in the
near future. Dr Toshio Miyata, chairman of the subcommittee, is working
for the project.
Along with the enthusiastic JSN activities, Japanese government proposed
a National Project to retard the progression of CKD: Frontier of Renal
Outcome Modifications in Japan (FROM-J). Professor Yamagata K was elected
as the leader of the project. JSN members are expected to join this project
starting this April.
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● 11th Asian Pacific Congress
of Nephrology
(Updated Feb 4, 2008)
The 11th Asian Pacific Congress of Nephrology (APCN) will be held
in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center, Malaysia on 5th-8th May 2008. It also
incorporates 14th Colloquium in Nephrology and 2nd Asian Forum in CKD
Initiative 2008. There will be a hot discussion on the estimation of GFR
for Asian population, epidemiology of CKD in Asian countries, and strategy
for CKD prevention. JSN is supporting the Congress and AFCKDI. Several
members from Japan are invited to give lectures. Deadline of abstract
submission was 25th January.
For more information: visit www.apcn2008.org.my
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● Sixth Nephrology Seminar for clinical
(Updated Jan 28, 2008)
It will be held on February 23 to 24 at Senri Life Science Center-Bldg
5F in Osaka. This time, the seminar will be organized by JSN and Dr E
Imai. Opening lecture features the seminar: "Microscopic Beauty of
by Dr. T Sakai, Juntendo University.
The 1st day program consists of several sessions such as water-mineral
balance, acute renal failure, glomerulonephritis and renal pathology.
The evening lecture will be presented by Dr E Muso on rapidly progressive
glomerulonephritis. The 2nd day program consists of several sessions on
acid-base balance, hemodialysis, and CKD. There will be a panel discussion
titled of "Nephrology is wonderful"
by four colleagues Final
program are yet to be determined. JSN task force members will support
the seminar with attending the group discussion of the clinical trainees.
This seminar is really the opportunity for both the staffs and the attendees
as they learn "the joy of Nephrology from senior doctors and veterans".
Clinical nephrology has both aspects such as dynamic and static, and is
the most suitable subspecialty for women as they are choosy but are highly
For further information, visit JSN home-page, www.jsn.or.jp
and jinzou@mtz.co.jp
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● ISN Nexus Symposium on Diabetes
and the Kidney
(Updated Jan 21, 2008)
Following is a letter from ISN to JSN members.
"The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) would like to invite
you to submit an abstract before January 30, 2008 for:
*** ISN Nexus Symposium on Diabetes and the Kidney ***
June 26-29, 2008 - Dublin, Ireland
Introduced in October 2006, the ISN Nexus Symposia are designed to bridge
the "bench to bedside" gap by intermingling researchers and
practicing physicians to exchange knowledge and discuss clinically relevant
information, and to challenge researchers to establish an active link
between crucial basic research and clinical application.
In line with the ISN's objective of extending nephrology into other disciplines,
the Nexus Symposia take an interdisciplinary approach to encourage participants
to explore the interrelation between diseases and their manifestations
with other specialist in related disciplines.
Offering the very latest in basic and clinical insight, discovery and
treatment methodologies as part of its 3 1/2 days' exploration into diabetes
and the kidney and the consequential implications for human health and
disease, the program will incorporate basic and clinical sessions to present
cutting edge discovery within the field, balanced by the translational
sessions which clearly link the research to practice and signpost the
future directions and solutions at both the laboratory and patient care
Submit your abstract before January 30, 2008 and take part into the debate
at: http://abstract.mci-group.com/cgi-bin/mc/startabs.pl?ID=ISN2008
For more information, visit: www.isn-online.org/nexus/diabetes
The ISN Nexus Symposia Organizers"
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● First Japan-China-Korea Kidney
(Updated Jan 7, 2008)
Asian Integrated Nephrology Forum (AINF), a JSN subcommittee, will hold
the 1st Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference on March 22,
Saturday, in Tokyo. This conference is organized with the collaboration
of AINF (Prof. Y Tomino), Chinese Society of Nephrology, Korean Society
of Nephrology, and generous support from the pharmaceutical companies
such as Kirin Phrama, Daiichi-Sankyo, Dai-Nippon Sumitomo, Chugai,
Novartis Pharama, Baxter, and Kowa. The venue is Tokyo Garden Palace,
Yushima 1-7-5, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo (http://www.hotelgp-tokyo.com/).
The theme is Chronic Kidney Disease. Three speakers from each country
are invited to discuss on CKD.
Before this conference, the 6th Japan-Korea Kidney Forum will be
held in the same venue. The Forum will start 13:30 on March 21, Friday. For more information:
tsuge@med.juntendo.ac.jp, or
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● Obituary
(Updated Dec 17, 2007)
We lost following honorable member this year.
Dr. H Wada who was a professor emeritus of the Hyogo College of Medicine, Nishinomiya died on August 2. He served as a president of the 21st annual
Western JSN regional meeting at Kobe 1991.
He was active as researcher and educator, and raised many fellows in this
field of medicine, pediatric nephrology. JSN express sincere thanks to
him and acknowledge the contribution to the society.
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