Japanese Society of Nephrology



JSN News 2012

#271 Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa won two International Prestigious Awards.
#269 The 2011 impact factor for Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is 1.369
#268 New JSN President
#267 The 42nd JSN Western Regional Meeting
#266 The 42nd JSN Eastern Regional Meeting
#265 The 5th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference
#264 Clinical and Experimental Nephrology and CEN Case Reports

Dr. Kiyoshi Kurokawa won two International Prestigious Awards.

  (Updated on Dec.17.2012)
Dr. Kurokawa, an honorable member and past president of JSN, has received two awards. Each is very special to Japanese. First: AAAS (American Association of Advancement of Science) Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility 2012. Dr. Kurokawa was honored by AAAS "for his contribution to society by his remarkable stewardship of an independent investigation into the causes of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe" and "for his courage in challenging some of the most ingrained conventions of Japanese governance and society." His award-winning service followed the 11 March 2011 earthquake that triggered a devastating tsunami. The ensuing crisis included the full meltdown of three reactors at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant as well as several hydrogen-air chemical explosions and releases of radioactive materials into the atmosphere, AAAS noted. As public fears and confusion escalated, the Japanese Parliament appointed an independent commission, directed by Kurokawa, to investigate the causes of the accident. Second: Foreign Policy 100 Top Global Thinkers 2012 (Foreign Affairs) The most searing one was chaired by the outspoken Kiyoshi Kurokawa, a medical doctor and emeritus professor who blasted "collusion" between government regulators and Tokyo Electric Power Co., which runs the plant, for causing the disaster. In Japan's opaque political system, Kurokawa's report amounted to a bombshell. Following a six-month investigation, including interviews with more than 1,100 people, he concluded not only that the Fukushima disaster was "man-made" but also that it resulted more fundamentally from the "ingrained conventions of Japanese culture: our reflexive obedience; our reluctance to question authority; our devotion to 'sticking with the program'; our groupism; and our insularity." Critics have argued that even Kurokawa didn't go far enough; the report names no names, and critical elements that appear in the English-language report didn't make it into the Japanese. But his rare willingness to point fingers is exactly what may be needed to shake the world's third-biggest economy out of its dangerous complacency.

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  (Updated on Nov.26.2012)
 AFCKDI International Advisory Council meeting
Time Nov.2, 2012 at the ASN, San Diego CA, USA
Place Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Diego Bayfront
Attendance Haiyan Wang, Gavin Becker, Vivekanand Jha, Lynn Gomez, Kriang Tungsanga, Anutra Chittinandana, Jimmy Teo Boon, Jafar Tazeen, Hung-Chun Chen, Kim Suhnggwon, Yoshinari Yasuda, Kunitoshi Iseki, Enyu Imai, Yusuke Tsukamoto (Chair)

Agenda and discussion:

1. Report of the 6th AFCKDI in Chandigrah by Dr Jha.:
About 300 participants joined the meeting and it was very successful in implementing CKD initiative as well as acknowledging AFCKDI activity particularly in South Asia.

2. 7th AFCKDI in 2013:
Dr Cittinandana, president of the Nephrology Society of Thailand, will host the meeting on Aug. 3, 2013 following the annual congress of the NST at Pataya.
Dr Cittinanadana proposed the main theme of the conference would be a prevention of CKD. IAC members also suggested topics such as;
 ・How to adapt global CKD guidelines in Asia
 ・Analyzing risks of CKD in Asia based on the Registry workgroup data
 ・Asian CKD Best Practice recommendations

3. Asian CKD Best Practice Recommendations:
The topic of our 2nd recommendation was discussed and the "Management of CKD" would be a good candidate.

4. Future meetings:
It was endorsed that the 8th AFCKDI meeting will be in Tokyo in 2014 accompanied with the APCN.
The candidate city for the 2015 meeting is called.


 ASN2012 Report # 2 (censure: Iseki, Tsukamoto)
 1. AFCKDI Registry Working Group
Time Nov. 2, 2012 18:45-19:45 at the ASN, San Diego CA, USA
Place Hilton San Diego Bayfront
Attendance Vivekanand Jha (Co-chair), Kunitoshi Iseki (Co-chair), Ho Jun Chin, Chi-Bon Leung, Shang-Jyh Hwang, Chih-Kang Chiang, Kearkiat Praditpornsilpa, Yoshinari Yasuda, Takashi Wada, Enyu Imai, T Maruyama,

Agenda and discussion:

1) Asian CKD cohorts: So-far, only three countries such as Japan, Korea, and India provided general screening cohort. CKD registry paper was published recently in the Lancet from China. We could collect references to do meta-analysis similar to the activity of KDIGO. In the KDIGO-PC, ethnicity was White, Black, and Asians which is Japanese. We have multiple ethnic groups in Asian countries at least four such as Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, and Indians. We may construct consortium like KDIGO. Few data is available on microalbuminuria in Asian countries in KDIGO.

2) Dialysis registry: Dialysis therapy is developing in Asian countries. In 2013, we will discuss at JSDT2013 and 7th AFCKDI in Thailand.

3) Proposal from JSN: Drs. T Yasuda (Nephrotic syndrome), T Wada (diabetes associated CKD), and Y Yasuda (IgA-ACCESS) presented ongoing projects in Japan. Other than Japan, tonsillectomy is seldom neither performed nor recommended for the treatment of IgA nephropathy. We need further collaboration.

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The 2011 impact factor for Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is 1.369

  (Updated on Jul.05.2012)
The 2011 impact factor for Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is 1.369, according to the ISI Journal Citation Reports. The 2011 impact factor represents the number of citations in 2011 of papers published in 2009 and 2010, divided by the total number of citable papers published in 2009 and 2010. The 2010 impact factor for CEN was 1.460.

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New JSN President

  (Updated on Jun.04.2012)
During the 55th Annual JSN Meeting in Yokohama, Professor S Matsuo was elected as the president of JSN. He is a professor of Department of Nephrology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine.

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The 42nd JSN Western Regional Meeting

  (Updated on Apr.09.2012)

The 42nd JSN Western Regional Meeting will be held on October 26 (Friday) to October 27 (Saturday), 2012 in Okinawa. The convention venue is Okinawa Convention Center at Ginowan, Okinawa. Professor K Iseki, Ryukyu University, president of the meeting, put the slogan of the meeting: "Nephrology for the people". Two symposium will be held; 1) Registries for kidney diseases, and 2) Prevention of progression of CKD in elderly people. Two workshops will be held; 1) CKD guideline, and 2) Community healthcare network. More information about this meeting is available at http://www2.convention.co.jp/jsnseibu42/

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The 42nd JSN Eastern Regional Meeting

  (Updated on Apr.02.2012)

The 42nd JSN Eastern Regional Meeting will be held on October 13 (Saturday) to October 14 (Sunday) 2012 in Niigata. The convention venue is Toki Messe, Niigata Convention Center. The president of the meeting is Professor K Takahashi, Niigata University who put the slogan of the meeting: "bench to bedside, and bedside to bench". Two symposium will be held; 1) TAE therapy for polycystic kidney disease, and 2) Application and challenge of mTOR inhibitor. 16 educational seminars will be held. More information about this meeting is available at http://www.jsntobu42.jp/

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The 5th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference

  (Updated on Feb.28.2012)

The 5th Japan-China-Korea Kidney Conference will be held on April 21st Saturday in Shanghai, China. The venue is Regal international east asia hotel. Shanghai, China, 516 Hengshan Road, Shanghai 200030, China (http://www.regalhotel.com/). This conference is organized with the collaboration of Korean Society of Nephrology, Chinese Society of Nephrology, and Asian Integrated Nephrology Forum (AINF) of JSN. The topic is Dialysis. The first Conference was held in Tokyo on March 22, 2008 in Tokyo, the second was on March 21, 2009 in Shanghai, China, third was on March 13 in Seoul, 2010, and the 4th was on March 12 in Tokyo, 2011.

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Clinical and Experimental Nephrology and CEN Case Reports

  (Updated on Feb.13.2012)
Currently the Japanese Scoiety of Nephrology (JSN) publishs two jounals in Enlish. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology is a peer-reviewed bimonthly journal,officially published by the JSN to create an international forum for the discussion of research and issues relating to the study of nephrology. CEN Case Reports is a peer-reviewed online-only journal, officially published biannually by the Japanese Society of Nephrology (JSN). The journal presents original case reports in nephrology, making it possible for clinicians to share their experience broadly and to review interesting cases reported by colleagues worldwide.  Both journals accept online submission at http://www.jsn.or.jp/en/journal/.

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