Report of APSN-CME course 2023 in Yokohama, JAPAN
The latest APSN CME course 2023 was held successfully on June 9th, in Yokohama, Japan. This annual course began in 2014 for the purpose of education and international communication for young nephrologists of LMIC in Asia-Pacific area. Thirteen physicians and researchers attended the course this year from LMIC. The contents of CME course this year include expert lectures on ANCA-related vasculitis, arrhythmia and frailty in dialysis patients, and aHUS, all of which stimulated the attendees a lot.

Australia 1
Indonesia 1
Malaysia 2
Nepal 2
Thailand 3
Myanmar 3
Vietnam 2
Hong Kong 1
Taiwan 2
Thank you all for joining us and for your contributions.
Yosuke Hirakawa
A member of APSN-YNC from JSN.
Yusuke Suzuki
Chair of the International Affairs of the JSN.
Masaomi Nangaku
President of the JSN.
Sydney C. W. Tang
President of the APSN.
Muh Geot Wong
Chair of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Members in APSN.
A member of APSN-YNC from JSN.
Yusuke Suzuki
Chair of the International Affairs of the JSN.
Masaomi Nangaku
President of the JSN.
Sydney C. W. Tang
President of the APSN.
Muh Geot Wong
Chair of Continuing Medical Education (CME) Members in APSN.
Report of APSN/JSN CME course 2018 in Niigata, JAPAN
The latest APSN/JSN CME course 2018 was held successfully on June 7th, in Niigata, Japan. This annual course began in 2014 for the purpose of education and international communication for young nephrologists of LMIC in Asia-Pacific area. The APSN committee decided to extend the course and started invitation of two young nephrologists from HIC to encourage mixture of young nephrologists from various countries. Over 60 physicians and researchers attended the course this year. The contents of CME course this year include expert lectures on various practical topics such as CKD-MBD and renal anemia, and educational case-based presentation on electrolyte disorder and renal transplantation, all of which stimulated the attendees a lot.
Bangladesh 1
Indonesia 4
India 3
Malaysia 1
Pakistan 3
Thailand 1
Sri Lanka 2
Mongolia 2
China 5
Hong Kong 1
Taiwan 1
Korea 2
Japan 34
Thank you all for joining us and for your contributions.
Naoki Kashihara
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku1, Xueqing Yu2, Philip K.T. Li3
1 President elect, 2 Chair of the CME committee, 3 President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
Vivekanand Jha1, David Harris2
1 President elect, 2 President of the International Society of Nephrology
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku1, Xueqing Yu2, Philip K.T. Li3
1 President elect, 2 Chair of the CME committee, 3 President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
Vivekanand Jha1, David Harris2
1 President elect, 2 President of the International Society of Nephrology
Report of APSN/JSN CME course 2017 in Sendai, JAPAN
The latest APSN/JSN CME course 2017 was held successfully on May 25th, in Sendai, Japan. This annual course began in 2014 for the purpose of education and international communication for young nephrologists of LMIC in Asia-Pacific area. The APSN committee decided to extend the course and started invitation of two young nephrologists from HIC to encourage mixture of young nephrologists from various countries. Over 60 physicians and researchers attended the course this year. The contents of CME course this year include expert lectures on various practical topics such as uncertain etiology of CKD, and educational case-based presentation, all of which stimulated the attendees a lot.

Australia 3
Bangladesh 2
Brunei 1
Indonesia 2
India 3
Malaysia 2
Pakistan 2
Nepal 1
New Zealand 1
Cambodia 2
Thailand 1
Myanmar 2
China 6
Vietnam 2
Hong Kong 2
Taiwan 1
Japan 29
Thank you all for joining us and for your contributions.
Naoki Kashihara
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee
Philip K.T. Li
President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
David Harris
President of International Society of Nephrology
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee
Philip K.T. Li
President of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
David Harris
President of International Society of Nephrology
Report of APSN/JSN CME course 2016 in Yokohama, JAPAN
The APSN/JSN CME course 2016 was held successfully on June 16th, in Yokohama, Japan. Over 60 physicians and researchers attended. 24 young nephrologists and 6 speakers were invited from Asian-Pacific region and supported by APSN/JSN. The invited speakers included Vivek Jha, Sydney Tang, and Hung Chun Chen, the APSN ExCo members. As a member of the APSN CME committee, Manisha Sahay also gave a talk, and Takashige Kuwabara made all the administrative jobs to hold the course. There were updated and practical lectures including AKI, CKD, electrolyte disorders, transplantation, biomarkers, peritoneal dialysis and so on. Questionnaire with some images and case-based presentations also achieved active discussion.

Bangladesh 4 (2)
Brunei 1
Indonesia 2
India 2
Malaysia 2
Pakistan 2
Nepal 1
Cambodia 2
Thailand 3
Myanmar 3 (1)
China 6 (3)
Sri Lanka 2
Vietnam 2
Hong Kong 1
Taiwan 1
Japan 21
Thank you all for joining us and for your contributions.
Naoki Kashihara and Seiichi Matsuo
President and ex-president of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee David C. H. Harris
President of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
President and ex-president of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee David C. H. Harris
President of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
Report of APSN/JSN CME course 2015 in Nagoya, JAPAN
APSN/JSN CME course was successfully held on June 4th, in Nagoya, Japan.

Seiichi Matsuo
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee
David C. H. Harris
President of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology
President of the Japanese Society of Nephrology
Masaomi Nangaku
Chair of the International Affairs of the Japanese Society of Nephrology/ Chair of the Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology CME committee
David C. H. Harris
President of Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology